Saturday, 20 February 2016

Matrix ADT

You have to implement a matrix ADT using concepts of C++ classes taught in the lectures. The input matrices would be square matrices. The  class must support the following functions:
1. Matrix Addition
2. Matrix Subtraction
3. Matrix Multiplication
The program should take as input: dimension of a square matrix N, two matrices of size N x N with integer values, and one operator symbol (+, - ,*). It must perform the corresponding operation using member functions of Matrix class. You are supposed to implement the following functions of the class MatrixADT matrixType add(matrixType M1, matrixType M2): The function should add matrices M1 and M2 and store the result in "resultMatrix". The function should return the "resultMatrix".
matrixType subtract(matrixType M1, matrixType M2):
The function should subtract matrix M2 from M1 and store the result in "resultMatrix". The function should return the "resultMatrix".
matrixType multiply(matrixType M1, matrixType M2):
The function should multiply matrices M1 and M2 and store the result in "resultMatrix". Be careful, it is M1*M2 and not M2*M1. The function should return the "resultMatrix".

In the first line, one integer which is the dimension of the matrix  and one operator (one of +, - or *)
Two NxN matrices one after the other, supplied one row at a time.
Resultant matrix after performing the specified operation, one row at a time. For subtraction, if A is the first matrix and B is the second matrix, perform A-B.

The inputs will satisfy the following constraints:
There is no need to validate the value of N.
There are no constraints on the values of the entries of the matrices.


After the deadline is over although you can ask for logic


  1. plz give some hints..not getting logic please help

    1. either you can overload the operators .
      but you can do one more thing.check the operator with their ascii value and accordingly sent the function call.

  2. plz provide the code....I m not getting this

  3. there is runtime error.. can anyone tell how can i return the resultant matrix?.. thanks
